What ADHD Treatment Options are available in the UK compared to the US? – Harley Therapy

What ADHD Treatment Options are available in the UK compared to the US? – Harley Therapy
Better Brain, Better Game!

Dr Stephen Humphries of Harley Therapy discusses the variety of treatment options for ADHD and how these differ in availability in the UK compared to the United States.( .

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neuro development disorder that more commonly presents in childhood, but can and does persist into adulthood.

Dr Stephen Humphries FRC Psych is a Consultant Psychiatrist at Harley Therapy ( Harley Street in London. In this video he talks about the variety of treatment options for Adult ADHD – such as Adderrall, Ritalin and Vyvanse

Although less widely diagnosed in adults in the UK than it is in the US or Canada, ADHD is a relatively common condition. Common symptoms can be anxiety, lack of confidence or depression, but standard treatments for these conditions can just make ADHD worse.

In our other videos, Dr Humphries discusses what kind of treatments are available for adult ADHD and how medication, in particular, can be spectacularly successful.

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Dr Humphries can usually see a new patient within a week of a referral with the assessment available within 10 days of the appointment. However there is no obligation to follow up with the treatment. So to book an assessment, contact today.

To understand more about Dr Humphries and his work at Harley Therapy, see this video interview ( ).

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