The ADHD myth that just WON’T DIE… 🎃💀 Happy Halloween! #adhd #halloween #myth
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8 Anxiety Tips That Actually Work
Feeling anxious? We’ve got your back! Follow @jssckr on TwitterSUBSCRIBE: Written by Jess Carroll Nice things to consume when you’re having a bad day: ‘On Being’ Podcast: /Everybody Has…
#LetsTalkAboutIt: Why Do People Get Anxiety? [And 5 Things That Trigger It]
Although it’s one of the most common mental health conditions in the world, there are still a lot of misconceptions around anxiety. Dr. Elizabeth McMahon shares why people get anxious….
Things that bug people with ADHD #3 – Visual distractions #adhdrelatable #adhdprobs
I want to share a trick that will improve your photos, selfies, and videos. You see, folks with ADHD can be overly sensitive grating sounds or discordant sights. If it’s…
A Simple Habit That Will Change Your ADHD Life
📰 Download My FREE ADHD Health Guide: d🎬 Watch The FREE ADHD Masterclass: d ⚡You can find me on Instagram at / ⚡ Get 10% OFF All Professional-Grade Supplements And…
Things that bug people with ADHD #2 – Too much noise
A big challenge with ADHD is managing my focus by ignoring distractions. The distractions can include my own thoughts, a neargby conversation, visual distractions (Oh, look, cows!) and background noises….
Things that bug people with ADHD #1 – sand, shoelaces
You won’t find Sensory Overwhelm in the Diagnostic Manual of ADHD symptoms, but many of us have trouble with sensory input. ADHD is more than just an inability to manage…
ADHD Memes: That Wait Mode for Minor Commitments #adhd #memes #shorts
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