Beyond The ADHD Symptom Checklist…

Beyond The ADHD Symptom Checklist…

When I was first diagnosed it was hard to find a comprehensive list of ADHD symptoms. Today you’ll find symptom lists and screener quizzes in magazines, newspapers, and online. But…

7 Things ADHD is NOT

7 Things ADHD is NOT

Since the launch of our film, “ADD & Loving It?!” we have made it our mission to show the world exactly what ADHD is. The truth is that it’s a…

ADHD & Neurologists, Psychiatrists, & Psychologists – What’s The Difference?

ADHD & Neurologists, Psychiatrists, & Psychologists – What’s The Difference?

A subscriber asked me a very interesting question:Why are all of the doctors in our videos (and everywhere else online) either Psychiatrists or Psychologists?Why do we never hear from any…

An ADHD Diagnosis Does Not Mean Medication

An ADHD Diagnosis Does Not Mean Medication

I’ve heard a lot of myths and misinformation about ADHD. Those myths are pernicious as they prevent people from considering the possibility that this explains why life has been such…

ADHD Anxiety Depression LDs

ADHD Anxiety Depression LDs

If you have ADHD you’re at high risk of having a second issue. Or even a third. Or a fourth… The most common are Clinical Depression, General Anxiety Disorder, Tourette’s…

ADHD and Depression in Women

ADHD and Depression in Women

“I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression, but it was actually ADHD!” So many women are misdiagnosed. They are struggling to get through the day and are misdiagnosed with Depression. And…

An ADHD Strategy I Cannot Live Without

An ADHD Strategy I Cannot Live Without

Recently I gave a talk about ADHD for the Centre for Diverse Learners. Knowing that people can be recalcitrant about asking questions around a mental health issue, the organizers gave…

ADHD is Awesome?

ADHD is Awesome?

I’ve noticed a growing number of folks claiming that their ADHD is a ‘Super-Power.’ I love the attitude. But I’m concerned that it simplifies a complex disorder. For most of…

Immune Gut & Brain
How I Deal With Worry & Ruminating

How I Deal With Worry & Ruminating

Anxiety and rumination are common with ADHD. Why? And what can be done about it? Simply put, we have problems with controlling our focus. So when we’re enthused about something,…

How ADHD Stole My Life

How ADHD Stole My Life

There is a tragic cost to ADHD that no one talks about. So I will. These days, social media bombards us with courses, apps, and products that promise to make…