An ADHD Strategy I Cannot Live Without

An ADHD Strategy I Cannot Live Without

Recently I gave a talk about ADHD for the Centre for Diverse Learners. Knowing that people can be recalcitrant about asking questions around a mental health issue, the organizers gave…

7 Ways To Explain ADHD

7 Ways To Explain ADHD

What exactly is Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder? What does it feel like to have it? How does it appear to other people? I’ve put those questions to countless ADHD specialists and…

How I Deal With Worry & Ruminating

How I Deal With Worry & Ruminating

Anxiety and rumination are common with ADHD. Why? And what can be done about it? Simply put, we have problems with controlling our focus. So when we’re enthused about something,…

How ADHD Stole My Life

How ADHD Stole My Life

There is a tragic cost to ADHD that no one talks about. So I will. These days, social media bombards us with courses, apps, and products that promise to make…

Immune Gut & Brain
ADHD Strategies for Everyone

ADHD Strategies for Everyone

There’s a dilemma with ADHD: the ‘symptoms’ are issues that everybody faces. The things we struggle to do, or to stop doing, are not weird, unique, or out of the…

Things that bug people with ADHD #2  –  Too much noise

Things that bug people with ADHD #2 – Too much noise

A big challenge with ADHD is managing my focus by ignoring distractions. The distractions can include my own thoughts, a neargby conversation, visual distractions (Oh, look, cows!) and background noises….

Things that bug people with ADHD #1 – sand, shoelaces

Things that bug people with ADHD #1 – sand, shoelaces

You won’t find Sensory Overwhelm in the Diagnostic Manual of ADHD symptoms, but many of us have trouble with sensory input. ADHD is more than just an inability to manage…