In this video psychologist Sonia Abbas talks about “How to Identify ADHD in Children?- ADHD Symptoms in urdu- An Overview of ADHD Children”
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ADHD is also called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
as the name indicates there are two major symptoms. the first symptom is attention deficit. The children are not able to pay attention for longer period. other symptoms hyperactivity and impulsivity.
the common age for this disorder. ADHD is usually 6 to 8 years.
can we talk about the symptoms of ADHD in children the first time table is inattention. they usually don’t respond to the parental commands. complete the homework
another symptom of ADHD is hyperactivity. the parent says that it appears that there is some sort of machine in their kid. there are active almost all the day. they don’t sit properly, there are always running, disturbing other things.
the children with ADHD have difficulty in concentrating in their homework. they are not able to perform the tasks that require prolong attention. the children with ADHD also forget their items at school, such as pencil notebook or other daily School items. the parents of the children with ADHD also complaint that when we talk to them it appears that they are not listening to them.
just like the ADHD in children there can also be the ADHD in adults. the untreated ADHD in children can prolong in adulthood. but it is very rare that ADHD appears in adolescence for the first time.
ADHD in children
ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ADHD treatment
ADHD Symptoms
ADHD causes
how to identify ADHD in children?
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