How to Know if You Have ADHD
I’m not a doctor, but here are some things you need to know. UPDATE: The DSM IV has updated the “types” to “presentations”, which are inattentive presentation, and others. to…
ADHD in Women
ADHD is the same condition across genders. Why does ADHD affect different genders differently in different ways? Patreon Support: d Visit our website at m Follow us for all things…
Get Things Done With ADHD & How to Build Habits That Stick | HIDDEN ADHD
Building habits that stick and being able to get things done with ADHD go hand in hand. You don’t need to be motivated once you have established healthy habits. It’s…
ADHD | Emotional Hypersensitivity
How to get a Diagnosis To receive perks, join this channel n Please be aware that I am not a physician. ADHD is often associated with high levels of emotion,…
You are diagnosed with ADHD. Congratulations! Your diagnosis could save your life. #adhd #adhddiagnosis
You got it, now you know..but what is it? A diagnosis of ADHD can save your life. Studies over time have shown that ADHD sufferers who have never been treated…
How to Combat Forgetfulness in Aging Adults
Keeping your memory sharp and effective could be a big concern when you age. Understanding that you’re starting to forget things can be very worrying, even if they are just small things. Fortunately, there are methods it is possible to fend off memory loss. This post will educate you on some effective techniques.You need to
How ADHD Looks Different In Adults
Do you have ADHD? ADHD is not something you are alone in. Millions of adults have ADHD, and many are unaware. This video will show you how ADHD can affect…
10 Warning Signs You Have Adult ADHD
If you found that you related to any of the warning signs of Adult ADHD then you should watch this video next of how to get diagnosed with ADHD: Subscribe:…
ADD & Loving It? (Full PBS Documentary)
ADD & Loving It?! Answers all your questions: What is the difference between ADHD & ADD? Is ADHD a real diagnosis? Adults can be diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. What…