ADHD & Substance Abuse medications – Pharmacology – Nervous System | @Level Up RN

ADHD & Substance Abuse medications – Pharmacology  – Nervous System | @Level Up RN
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In this video, Cathy covers medications for ADHD and Conduct Disorder (central nervous system stimulants), alcohol abstinence, opioid dependence, and smoking cessation.

Cathy Parkes BSN, RN, CWCN, PHN covers ADHD & Substance Abuse medications. The Pharmacology – Nervous System video tutorial series is intended to help RN and PN nursing students study for your nursing school exams, including the ATI, HESI and NCLEX.

#NCLEX #HESI #Kaplan #ATI #NursingSchool #NursingStudent⁠ #Nurse #RN #PN #Education #LVN #LPN #ADHD #Substanceabuse #CNS
0: 00 What to Expect
0: 26 CNS Stimulants
1: 12 Mode of Action
1: 31 Side Effects
1: 41 Black Box Warning
1: 53 Administration
2: 08 What to Monitor
2: 21 Alcohol Abuse Maintenance Medication
3: 08 Mode of Action Disulfiram
3: 25 Mode of Action Naltrexone
3: 33 Mode of Action Acamprosate
3: 40 Memory Trick
3: 58 Opiod Dependance Maintenance Medications
4: 22 Mode of Action
4: 33 Side Effects
4: 51 Black Box Warning
5: 05 Antidote-Narcan
5: 12 Nursing care/Patient Teaching
5: 33 Nicotine Agonist
5: 44 Mode of Action
5: 53 Memory Trick
6: 07 Side Effects
6: 18 Black Box Warning
6: 24 Nursing Care
7: 01 What’s Next?

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All of the nurses at Level Up RN are here to help! Cathy Parkes started helping her fellow classmates back when she was in nursing school, tutoring so they could pass their exams and graduate. After she got her BSN and started working as an RN at Scripps Encinitas Hospital, she started this YouTube channel to help nursing students around the world. Since then she has built a team of top-notch dedicated nurses and nurse educators who are focused on improving nursing education and supporting career advancement for nurses everywhere. With flashcards, videos, courses, organizational tools and more, we are singularly focused on helping students and nurses Level Up on their exams and nursing careers.

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