What REALLY goes on behind the scenes for successful ADHDers? See their messy reality and the life hacks they use, so you can grow too.
In honor of ADHD Awareness Month, watch this panel of ADHD Experts and Influencers answering BEHIND-THE-SCENES questions about success with ADHD:
🌟 David Pomeroy, MD: Founder of the ADD Center of Bellevue and Targeting ADHD, LLC, Podcast Host of ADHD Focus –
🌟 Eric Tivers, LCSW: Podcast Host of ADHD reWired, ADHD Coach – /
🌟 Lynne Edris, ACG: Productivity & ADHD Coach, Podcast Co-Host of ADHD Support Talk – /
🌟 Ryan Mayer, MBA: ADHD Coach and Tiktok Influencer – /
🌟 Britney Brown: Entrepreneur, Tiktok Influencer, ADHD Parent of 5 – /
🌟 Aron Croft, MS: ADHD Coach and Tiktok Influencer – /
#ADHD #ADHDAwareness #ADHDAwarenessMonth #ADHDRewired #ADHDSupportTalkRadio
Aron Croft, Aaron Croft, Hidden ADD, Hidden ADHD, Atypical Coach, neurodivergent, neurodiversity