What to Expect When You Are Diagnosed with ADHD As an Adult | HIDDEN ADHD

What to Expect When You Are Diagnosed with ADHD As an Adult | HIDDEN ADHD

Getting diagnosed with ADHD is life changing, but sometimes getting that far can feel reeaallyy overwhelming. Only a fraction of ADHD professionals can prescribe medication. Don’t make the same mistakes I did. Let’s take you through each step of the process to get that diagnosis.

This video will show you how to …
1. Identify ADHD symptoms
2. Choose the best professional 3. What can you expect at that appointment

Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale


ADHD Guides:
NEW: 5 ADHD Motivation Mistakes You Must Avoid s
NEW: ADHD 101 5-Day Program 1
AUDIENCE FAVORITE 10 Productivity Mistakes All ADHDers Make

Action Guides:
Clarity Questionnaire + Life Purpose Tool s
Atomic Habits c
Willpower doesn’t work r

Personality isn’t permanentUltralearning g

>SMASH Productivity Training E Course e
>1:1 Coaching With Aron Croft
>Free Interactive Event e

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>MY STORY: Harvard to Minimum Wage >My experiences with Vyvanse and Concerta, Ritalin, Adderal c
To spread awareness about nonhyperactive ADHD (what i call “Hidden ADHD”) in order to help those who are suffering. They should know what they can do to help. They should know they are not unmotivated, lazy, or irresponsible. They should know that they have the potential to realize their full potential and live the life of their dreams.

#adhd #adultadhd #howtoadhd #adhdhelp #adhdtips #adhdguide
Aron Croft, Aaron Croft, Hidden ADD, Hidden ADHD, Atypical Coach, neurodivergent, neurodiversity

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