What it feels like to take ADHD medication? This is my story about my first day on Vyvanse.
I will discuss the side effects and benefits I have experienced, such as calm, focus and impulse-control, as well headaches, blood pressure and insomnia.
This will hopefully help you to understand what to expect when you start taking ADHD medication. Although it is not the same as the first few days, it is helpful to be prepared so that you are aware of what to do.
00: 00 ADHD medication
00: 40 The morning
01: 57 Working time
02: 35 Side effects
03: 49 In the evening 04: 56 How it feels like
Hi, I’m Antonia
An (ADHD) human, self-improvement coach, filmmaker, software developer, and Bulgarian-turned-German. Also, I’m vegan.
Let’s connect
WEBSITE: www.antoniatheuniverse.com
COACHING: www.antoniatheuniverse.com/coaching
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/antonias_universe
OTHER CHANNEL: www.youtube.com/c/antoniatheuniverse
BUSINESS INQUIRIES: [email protected]