Getting diagnosed with ADHD last summer has helped Rovena understand her experiences through high school and university. Despite the difficulties of adapting to university life, Rovena discovered that her brain is not compatible with the existing systems. She will discuss how neurodiverse minds can help improve education and other aspects in society. Rovena does not consider ADHD a disease to be treated but rather a gift that encourages creativity, positive thinking and inspires ideas for a better future. Rovena is currently a BSc. Rovena is currently enrolled at the University of Alberta as a Neuroscience Honours Undergraduate Student. She pursues her passion for learning about the fascinating and complex human brain. As a neurodivergent student, she shares her experiences and insights about society. She graduated as Valedictorian in 2020 and was awarded the Governor General’s Academic Medal, Science & Technology award from EPSB. Her ability to perform throughout high school was unquestioned. This was until she began to struggle greatly in her first year at University and was diagnosed as having Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She was later diagnosed with severe mixed ADHD the next year. She co-founded Step Up YEG, a racial justice non profit organization as she struggled with her neurodivergent diagnosis and the treatment. CASA Youth Council also made her a mental healthcare advocate. She gave presentations to schools about mental health and was part of the planning team for a mental fair. Rovena is now the promotions lead for community education. Rovena’s superpower is ADHD, which helps her make an impact in the world. She prioritizes inclusion and raising awareness for neurodiverse communities in all of her opportunities, which includes this TEDx talk. This talk was delivered at a TEDx event that used the TED conference format, but was organized locally by a community. Find out more at x