The ADHD myth that just WON’T DIE… 🎃💀 Happy Halloween! #adhd #halloween #myth
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AuDHD / ADHD Relationship Update: How Humor Helps Us Cope
Get 25% off on Paired premium! Start your 7-day free trial by clicking the link here: 5 Relationships can be hard when you’re navigating through mental health challenges… work challenges……
Tired of Failing Your Goals? ADHD Accountability Hacks That Help!
Thanks to trainwell for sponsoring this video. If you are looking for some accountability around working out (I definitely do), you can click my trainwell link to take the quiz…
Does the ADHD Tax Need to Be So High?
Thanks to Wondrium for sponsoring today’s video! Signup for your FREE trial to Wondrium here: z We suffer from the “ADHD Tax” every day, most of the time without even…
One Way to Self-Motivate When You Have ADHD
Thanks to Sunsama for sponsoring this video! It’s an ADHD-friendly tool that works with your brain, not against it! Give Sunsama a try. Right now they’re offering a free trial…
Struggling to Sleep with ADHD? Watch This!
Start speaking a new language in 3 weeks with Babbel 🎉. Click on my link to get 67% off during Babbel’s Best Sale of the Year! ➡Here: Hello, Brains! Having…
Why People Pleasing Doesn’t Make People Happy (and What to Do Instead)
Like to make people happy? Me too! Forget you count as people? ME TOO! Let’s fix this. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Facebook: dTwitter: dSupport us on Patreon: d WE WROTE A SONG!!Get the…
I Have No Idea What I’m Doing
Hello, Brains! I get a lot of comments about how I have things so together and clean and organised… like I know what I’m doing. Yeeeaaahhh. Soooo… about that! Lets…
Green Time and Resting the ADHD Brain #adhd #mentalhealth #selfcare
Support us on Patreon: dBuy my book!! mCheck out our website: m Follow us on all the things: Twitter: dTikTok: dInstagram: /Facebook: d Our Merch Shop: m Need translation? Learn…
Better Late Than Never: Our 7-Month-Old Baby Reveal!
Soooo… imagine having ADHD and forgetting to actually tell you all that I had the baby! Toootally couldn’t be me (it me. I forgot.)! How’s the baby? How am I?…