Anxiety Hypersensitivity or Hyperawareness SUPER POWER EXPLAINED!
Today I talk about anxiety and hypersensitivity or hyperawareness of anxiety symptoms, normal bodily functions, or things outside of the body! I had anxiety disorders for 5 years and being…
Anxiety Makes Me Feel EVERYTHING! (Anxiety & Sensitivity)
Anxiety can make us feel everything! When we have anxiety it can make us more sensitive to anxiety symptoms or even normal body sensations! This hypersensitivity is quite common! ELITE…
Anxiety Makes Me Feel EVERYTHING! (Anxiety & Sensitivity)
Anxiety can make us feel everything! When we have anxiety it can make us more sensitive to anxiety symptoms or even normal body sensations! This hypersensitivity is quite common! ELITE…
Self-Care for the ADHD Empath : Limit Exposure to Negativity
In this video I talk about the importance of Self-Care when you are an Empath with ADD / ADHD. It’s is essential to limit you exposure to negativity when you…
ADHD | Emotional Hypersensitivity
How to get a Diagnosis To receive perks, join this channel n Please be aware that I am not a physician. ADHD is often associated with high levels of emotion,…