How mindset affects us when making friends ๐Ÿ˜ฌ ๐Ÿ’š ๐Ÿ’• #adhd #friendship #mindsetmatters

How mindset affects us when making friends ๐Ÿ˜ฌ ๐Ÿ’š ๐Ÿ’• #adhd #friendship #mindsetmatters

Hello, Brains! It’s often difficult for a lot of us to make and maintain friends, so I wanted to open up about my experiences with friendships… and get Caroline’s take…

ADHD Social Skills: Socialize with Confidence by PreGaming!

ADHD Social Skills: Socialize with Confidence by PreGaming!

Socializing can be difficult, if not downright painful, for a lot of us with ADHD… turns out there might be some ways to make it more enjoyable! Such as pre-gaming,…

511 | Friendships with ADHD – with Trina Haynes

511 | Friendships with ADHD – with Trina Haynes

This week, Trina Haynes from MyLadyADHD joins the show! Trina is the founder of My Lady ADHD, which empowers and supports individuals facing ADHD challenges! She created a safe space…

How to say what you mean without pissing-off people. #adhd #socialskills

How to say what you mean without pissing-off people. #adhd #socialskills

Picking up on the drama of the previous episode, we continue the series on how ADHD affects our social skills. As many of you know, social skills are more challenging…