ADHD Treatment Guide for Non-ADHD Spouses
What is the best thing members of an ADHD couple can do to make sure the diagnosed partner(s) are getting the treatments they need to manage their symptoms? Melissa Orlov,…
Proven Outcomes from Bellevue – ADHD Treatment
ADHD Awareness & Treatment Matrix: Where Are You on the Scale? | HIDDEN ADHD
Some people are unaware they have ADHD, while others were diagnosed early but STILL haven’t found the right treatment. Watch this video to find out where you are on the…
ADHD: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Without Medication
Greg Baer M.D. explains the signs and symptoms of ADHD and the real solutions. In this video you will learn: 1. The REAL reason your child has symptoms of ADHD…
Five (5) Signs You May Have Adult ADD / Adult ADHD
_ Adult ADHD / adult ADD is still a relatively new to many people. They don’t know what Signs of ADHD look like. Many people do not know what ADHD…
Do You Need ADHD Medication? Answering Your Treatment Questions | Hidden ADHD
If you’ve recently received an ADHD diagnosis, you’re probably wondering “Do I need to take ADHD medication?” The answer to this is very personal. I will take you through the…