Some People Don’t Believe in ADHD

Some People Don’t Believe in ADHD
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Despite the evidence from thousands of studies, endless brain scans, and the personal experience of millions of people (Including doctors), there are still folks who claim ADHD isn’t real, and that it’s an excuse. But then, some folks claim the world is flat.

Why don’t they believe ADHD is real? It’s an intriguing question. And the answer has everything to do with what ADHD is and what it is not.

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Hi I’m Rick Green,

I’m a comedian who has a degree in science, and I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Now on my YouTube channel Rick Has ADHD, keep it simple, I posted a video called ADHD question mark, exclamation mark, But You Have a Degree exclamation mark, and that’s a common belief that if you are successful in life, making it through, perhaps even wealthy, a billionaire like Richard Branson, who has a ADHD as do many other very wealthy people, and very successful people in sports and in entertainment industry, the music industry.

Anyway, sidetrack, sorry ADHD thing, and one of the things that happens is people dismiss their own ADHD because “I’ve had success in life” yeah but at what cost?

And there’s a comment I’m going to see if I can find it here, uh I should have had it, see that would have been thinking, okay I’m never going to find it, I just realized there’s 28,800 and something comments at this point, anyway.

So the comment was that from a woman who shared her experience and that she went to a doctor, she was pretty sure she had ADHD, had done some of the online screener tests, including the one that I have called The Unofficial ADHD Quiz, it’s funny but it’s kind of accurate.

And the the doctor said well you have a University degree, you can’t possibly have ADHD, you’re successful, I have a University degree and I have ADHD and I actually, like many people with ADHD, when I realized I wasn’t going to make it through University settled for a lesser degree ,went from a 4-year to a three-year degree because I just I couldn’t see myself sticking it out and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do afterwards, and the idea I could become a comedian was not on my radar, anyway.

The, she, the woman went on to say she was talking with somebody else who had gone to the same doctor and gotten the same reaction, and in fact the doctor wrote a very dismissive nasty letter, I’m not quite sure to who, to her, her teacher or Professor, whoever it was
about it saying she can’t have it, and that’s still around, there are still lots of people, medical professionals who don’t believe ADHD is real, and I understand why, it’s it’s a confusing diagnosis, everybody seems to have some of the symptoms, but there’s a point where it becomes really frustrating, and that’s when it’s a disorder because it’s it’s wrecking your life.
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