Sharing ADHD Information

Sharing ADHD Information

It’s only with hindsight that I’ve come to appreciate how generous the experts have been in sharing their time and knowledge. When we started out making ‘ADD & Loving It?!’ , the experts had no idea who we were and what would be done with their words.

My wife, Ava, who co-produced and edited the film, would explain, “It’s a documentary by a comedian about a fellow comedian getting diagnosed with ADHD.” What now?! Hardly reassuring. You have to remember back then the ‘mainstream media’ was keen to discredit ADHD as a bogus diagnosis or an excuse for laziness. As for adult ADHD? “Give me a break!”
But the experts knew better. They took a leap of faith and agreed to participate.

Each interview started cautiously but soon enough each expert warmed up and overwhelmed us with information and stories drawn from their work with thousands of adults who were struggling with ADHD. What a gift they gave us.

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