Meditation and Anxiety Treatment – Dr. Synder (part3) hosted by Sovereign Health Group

Meditation and Anxiety Treatment – Dr. Synder (part3) hosted by Sovereign Health Group
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Meditation can greatly aid in treatment and recovery for a number of disorders. In these videos Dr. Larry Synder explains what meditation is, how it works and how it applies to the Treatment Program at Sovereign Health – a Treatment Center in California leading in Dual Diagnosis. He briefly touches on how meditation can help with treatment of Anxiety and the Addictive Disorders. Before wrapping up the discussion Dr. Synder takes his audience through one of his meditations. This meditation can be practiced every day to achieve a relaxed state of mind and body. To learn the meditation, watch theses videos.

Part 1 – />Part 2 – />
Sovereign Health Group offers high quality and comprehensive Addiction, Dual Diagnosis, & Mental Health Treatment Programs for Adults & Adolescents including support services for the family system. We have multiple treatment locations in the United States. Sovereign Health’s treatment programs specialize in addressing the underlying mental health conditions by utilizing innovative and cutting edge cognitive testing, rehabilitation, and evidence based treatment modalities. We accept Most Private Insurances. Call today or visit our website to watch or read patient reviews about their treatment experiences at one of Sovereign Health Groups treatment programs. Call our 24/7 Admissions Helpline today 866-596-3609 or visit us at

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