Keep an inventory to help you remember what you need

Keep an inventory to help you remember what you need thumbnail

Anybody who has ever lost their keys or forgotten what they needed to buy at the grocery store, or arrived at the wrong time for an appointment with a doctor knows that memory is a challenge. While you could easily recite the 50 American states, year of your children, and what you ate for lunch yesterday, how do you remember how many cars your parents drove home? Or how many emails you have read in the past week. We’ll show you how to improve your memory. Omega-3’s, which are essential for memory preservation, should be a part of your daily diet. Omega-3 can be found in many foods, including nuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, soybeans and fish. You can also take fish oil supplements if any of these foods doesn’t appeal. This will help keep your memory functioning properly. Regular stretching and other exercises are a great way to improve your long-term memory. Because the brain controls 15% of blood flow, these exercises help keep the brain’s arteries open. Stretching can also increase energy, flexibility, and relaxation. This all contributes to improved long-term memory. *Practice using your memory regularly to keep it in top shape. If you don’t use your memory regularly, it will slowly get weaker over time. It is best to challenge it every day in your daily life. You can do simple tasks like a crossword puzzle, or more complex ones such as trying to remember the names of all the members of an arachnid tribe. Find fun and challenging ways to test your memory every day. It is usually easier to organize large amounts of information into smaller units or categories than it is to try to store them in memory. It is easier to remember a phone number if you have three numbers that are three, three, and then four, as opposed to a long string with ten numbers. These same strategies work for computer passwords and social security numbers. *Eating protein-rich foods will help improve your memory and provide fuel for your body. Fish, for example, which is high in protein, are rich in neurotransmitters. They are vital to brain performance and are essential to your health. *Mnemonic devices can be used to help you remember things. Mnemonic products can be described as a set of clues that helps you associate difficult things with easier ones. An example of this is to use an acronym, rhymes and visual images. You can even associate an amusing story with whatever you are trying to remember. These strategies can be used every day to improve your memory. You’re likely to remember all 50 states. However, you won’t be able to recall the exact number of cars you saw on your way home. But you might remember what you ate for lunch.

Feeling anxiety is completely normal in isolated circumstances, but becomes a problem when these feelings grow more frequent and overpowering. While we can recognize the most obvious symptoms, there are many others that go unnoticed. These signs can be a sign of anxiety.

Are you suffering from anxiety hidden? This video might help you to discover

Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only. This video is not intended to replace a professional diagnosis. If you suspect you may have anxiety disorders, we recommend you consult a qualified mental health professional.

Sid Thompson
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Kelly Soong
is Script Manager
Voice: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Billie
Cindy Cheong YouTube Manager

Advantage Mental Health Center. (2020, May 4. Six Unusual Anxiety Signs.
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Blaker, K. (2019, June 12). How to identify distressing anxiety symptoms. AmeriDisability.
Enlightenedsolutions. (2019, October 11). What is Anxiety Rash?
Mayo Clinic. (2018, May 4. Anxiety disorders – Causes and symptoms.
Raypole, C. (2019, March 15). What is anxiety like? Healthline.

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