How can I stop losing things?

How can I stop losing things?
L-Theanine Gummies

Let’s talk about simple ways to save time and energy. We will also save money because “Time is Money”. You can also save your sanity. There is no such thing as enough sanity.

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Hi, I’m Rick Green. I would like to learn how to solve two problems at once.

First, I need to stop yelling
. I just had it in my hands a minute ago. It is the stuff I use every single day: keys, wallets, scissors, phone.

Second challenge: I want to stop asking where my spare glasses are. Or where is my tape measure, or my bloodwork form? These are the things I don’t use everyday, or those that go into seasonal hibernation. Winter boots, summer shorts and car battery chargers are all things we need right now. I am running all over the place. That has to stop. I need to know how to stop it.

Let’s take a look at these two major time-wasters. They are the biggest time wasters that I want to conquer. The reason I don’t have any time to waste is because I have spent a lot of my time up to now.

The question is: Where is the item I was holding 10 just seconds ago? Or where is the stuff we have packed away for the summer or rainy day?

It is not necessary to improve my memory. We will be looking at short-term and long-term memories and how to improve them in other videos. However, I have learned through decades of hard work that it doesn’t help me right now with the stuff that should be obvious and the stuff that I shouldn’t worry about remembering.

My memory is not the problem. I just need to remember where my toothbrush is every day. Prevention is the answer.

I’ll explain. Years ago, when I gave a presentation about how to present great presentations, it was for demonstrators in a science museum. One person asked me how you get their attention back after losing it.
I learned this trick while trying to be a world-class magician. I didn’t become one, but I do know that it is the key to getting your audience’s attention back.

Direct their focus or in magic, misdirection is used. In fact, a horse ran through your eyes and you couldn’t see it because you were so focused on me. It’s amazing but I can’t distract you
if I don’t use a variety of tools and tricks. Are you getting off-topic? Probably.

The key to not losing things is to make sure you have a place to put them. This will help avoid the “What happened to my hand sanitizer?” question. I had it in my pocket, where is it?” and then I find it upstairs in the bathroom and I haven’t been to the upstairs bathroom all day, but apparently…

Friends and family may ask you honey where is my purse? honey where are the batteries to charge the remote for your TV? honey where is the flashlight?

Here’s a question that’s less commonly asked and one I have never even tried to ask: honey, where’s the cutlery? It’s where do you think it is? It is in the cutlery drawer.

Think about “where it always has been”, where it is always, and oh, can you picture, where is the cutlery? It’s always there!
You could actually come to my house. It’s a bit messy now, but I would not mind. Take a look at the various drawers in each room. I’m sure you’d be able to find the cutlery drawer by your first guess. The kitchen would be your first choice. You’re right, the top drawer is by your stove. It’s true, the cutlery drawer was there.

If I went to your house, I could find out where your cutlery and other utensils are kept in just a few guesses. But if I had the task of guessing where your earrings, note paper, place mats, candles or shoe polish are kept, I would know exactly where they are.

I was a terrible person for a long time. I had no place to store my things. I had no key tray, wallet shelf, foam drawer or key tray. I also didn’t have a place for my Fitbit or charger. There were many excuses for why I didn’t exercise.

A cutlery drawer can save you time and prevent you from having to search the entire kitchen or house for a spoon every time. You mean seriously? You should check the bathroom. Oh, and look in the broom closet. Where are my socks? The china cabinet is next. Right?

End Child Anxiety

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