For us with anxiety its easy to get caught up in our minds and worry ourselves into a panic attack.
We tend to do our best to ignore our symptoms or general worries because we simply do not want to let them take over. Suppressing these anxiety symptoms might give us short term relief. Unfortunately we are not capable to completely ignore our fears and they will eventually catch up and hit us even harder.
So, instead of suppressing your anxiety you should fully embrace it. Give yourself the time to fully process these sensations and learn from them. Take a mental step back and try to interfere with your conscious mind and remind yourself what anxiety is. It is a natural stress response to keep you safe and will in no way harm you. The racing heart, numbness in your hands, wobbly legs and extreme tension are all there just to keep you safe. Take a more analytical approach and you should even go so far and ask for your anxiety to finally get it over with and give you that heat attack, for example, that you were so worried about.
Over time you will get used to the sensations and your mind will slowly but steadily lose its fear from them and your progress into anxiety recovery.