Co-host Lynne Edris and Jeff Copper dig a little deeper into how working memory challenges get in the way of life for adults with ADHD / ADD on an everyday basis, affecting organization, procrastination, transitions and completing projects!
Listen to part 1 here:
Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, is an attention coach and expert on attention and attention deficit disorder or ADHD. As founder of DIG Coaching Practice, Jeff coaches individuals and entrepreneurs with ADD/ADHD symptoms who are seeking to improve personal and professional results. He helps others to overcome information overload, chronic disorganization, time management problems, impulsivity, and other ADHD /ADD related conditions that may hinder advancement.
As someone who has had to learn to manage attention and deal with his own challenges, Jeff’s mission is to help you to understand yourself and how your mind works. His anatomy of attention construct helps people with ADHD and other attention challenges to regain control of their attention and move past the barriers that are impeding their focus so that they can achieve what they are capable of faster and with less stress and create the environments they need to be more productive.
Learn more about Jeff at
Coach Lynne Edris helps distracted professionals overcome overwhelm by reducing procrastination and improving time management so they have more time, more energy, and more money for what they love most!
As a woman with ADHD herself, she has been where her clients are and come out the other side, so to speak. She’s gone from living in a constant state of chaos and under-performance to a life full of success and fulfillment! Learn more about Lynne at and text keyword “HACK” to 444999 to get her 7 Fool-Proof Productivity Hacks for unfocused professionals
ADHD Support Talk Radio is an award winning Podcast for Adults with ADD / ADHD. Co-hosts Tara McGillicuddy and Lynne Edris are joined by Adult ADHD experts and they cover important topics related to Adult ADD / ADHD. Podcast guests include Dr. Edward Hallowell, Dr. Stephanie Sarkis, Dr. Ari Tuckman, Laurie Dupar, Terry Matlen and many more.
Tara McGillicuddy is the Producer, Owner and Co-host of the ADHD Support Talk Radio Podcast. You may contact Tara with general questions or feedback about the podcast.
Lynne Edris is the Co-host of the ADHD Support Talk Radio Podcast. You may contact Lynne with feedback about her episodes or if you are interested in having her interview you as a guest.
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