Failing at Normal: An ADHD Success Story | Jessica McCabe | TEDxBratislava

Failing at Normal: An ADHD Success Story | Jessica McCabe | TEDxBratislava

Jessica McCabe tell us the story of her life. A gifted child, she was once destined for great things, but her ADHD diagnosis later made her a failure. One thing changed everything, and she discovered that she was not the only one. YouTube channel HowtoADHD was created to assist people with ADHD and their families, teachers, and partners.
Jessica McCabe nam rozprava pribeh svojho zivota. Kedysi nadane dieta so ziarivou buducnostou, ktore neskor zije zivot plny neustalych neuspechov, len kvoli jednej veci – jej ADHD diagnoze. Az do momentu kedy sa vsetko zmeni a ona si uvedomi, ze v tom nie je sama. Jej YouTube kanal HowtoADHD je venovany pomoci a usmernovaniu nielen ludi s ADHD ale takisto aj ich rodicom, partnerom a ucitelom a takisto aj odkazu, ze v tom nie su nikdy sami. Jessica is the creator of the YouTube series How to ADHD. It focuses on supporting ADHD brains all over the globe. This talk was delivered at a TEDx event that used the TED conference format, but was independently organized by a local community. Find out more at x

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