Brain Games to Improve Memory

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Better Brain, Better Game!

Poor memory can make it difficult to remember things such as the phone number and emotional importance of children trips. Many people are content to accept that their memory is “naturally poor”. However, there are many tips you can use to help your memory stay sharp. *Do not try to memorize all of your material in one session. Research shows that facts are more easily retained if they are taken seriously. You can do this by scheduling study sessions over the weeks and days before an exam. Doing too much at once will not produce any results. *A great way to increase your memory is to pay attention to the information you are trying to memorize and study. Attention is a key aspect of memory. It should be used to transfer information from short-term memory to long-term memory. You can ensure that you are fully aware of the material and not distracted by music or television. Protecting your cells is crucial to keep your mind active and healthy. You can take care of your brain by eating foods high in antioxidants, such as blueberries and strawberries. These antioxidants can help you keep your brain in peak condition and may even slow down the aging process. *Ensure your diet contains sufficient Omega-3 fatty acid. These essential fatty acids, which are most often found in fish, do a great job keeping your mind sharp. Research has proven that omega-3’s have a positive effect on your brain. To get this essential fat, try adding flax seed and walnuts to your diet. Avoid high-salt and low-fat foods, such as fast food. Scientifically, it has been proven that carotid arterial disease can be caused by certain foods. This cuts off the brain’s oxygen supply. The brain’s memory area is affected by oxygen loss. If you need to recall a large list of items quickly, it is worth putting them in categories. For example, if you’re heading to the supermarket with a lot of items you want, you can mentally organize them into categories such as meat, dairy, produce, and grains. It is much easier to remember large lists by breaking them down into smaller categories.

When you’re trying to store information in your long-term memory, ensure that there are no distractions. Moving information from short-term memory to long-term memory requires focus. A distracting environment can make it very difficult. Avoid areas with radios, televisions, crowds, or other visual stimuli. Poor memory can really hinder one’s ability to remember things. It is possible to forget the name of a person you have just met, or even lose cherished memories. Although everyone has a different memory capacity, the tips in this article will help you ensure that your memory works at its best.

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