Adult ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment: Patient Story , ADHD in Adults

Adult ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment: Patient Story , ADHD in Adults Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can inhibit people from functioning at their highest potential and is often the cause or a contributing factor to problems in a patient’s professional and personal life. Adult ADHD expert, Lenard Adler, joins Robert Tudisco to illustrate the benefits patients receive when diagnosed and treated for ADHD.

Tudisco sought help for ADHD shortly after his child was tested and diagnosed. Often after identifying ADHD symptoms in children, parents gain insight on their own behaviors. For that reason, Adler recommends that healthcare professions screen adults for ADHD if their child has been diagnosed. Such was the case for Tudisco, who noted that at work he was having problems with time management, paying attention to multiple things at once and completing administrative tasks.

Personal relationships can also suffer due to adult ADHD. Concerned about being a better father and husband, Tudisco sought help and became educated with information on ADHD and stories about other patients. He was prescribed a non-stimulant medication that has helped him cope with his ADHD and has since been able to overcome some of the obstacles that he was unable to manage prior to his diagnosis.

Adler is the Director of the Adult ADHD Program at NYU School of Medicine. Robert Tudisco, Esq. is the Executive Director of ADHD Coaching, Adult ADHD. For more information on Adult ADHD please visit the link above. Our Website with Free Resources

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We want to thank all the following YouTubers and Channels which have addressed
the challenges and myths of ADHD to bring us the facts and improve the quality
of care for ADHD in Adults:

What It’s Like Living with ADHD
Katie Couric

The Worst and Best Jobs People for ADD ADHD
Gina Loudon

Immune Gut & Brain

How to Recognize Adult ADHD Symptoms

Adults with ADHD: What Do We Know? What Do They Need?

Inside the adult ADHD brain
McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT

Adult ADD/ADHD Documentary

Adults with ADD
Calvin College

3 Quick Steps to Stop Negative Thinking Now! | CYBCYL with Daniel Amen and Tana Amen
Dr. Daniel Amen

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