3 Ways ADHD Makes You Think About Yourself

3 Ways ADHD Makes You Think About Yourself
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This video is based on Schema Therapy. Schema describes a way to see yourself. The structure is formed by your life experiences in childhood, but it can also change over time as you experience new things. There are many core beliefs or HTML schemas that have been identified. This video focuses on 3 of these core beliefs, which have been found to be common in ADHD adults, even if they were not diagnosed as children.

Schema 1- Feeling defective
At all levels, you feel insecure. This can lead to a hypersensitivity to criticism and rejection. This can lead to insecurity around others and a tendency to compare yourself with others.

Schema 2: A basic sense for failure.
You feel that you are not living up to your potential. This schema can lead to people feeling inept, stupid, lack of talent, or doomed not to be as successful as everyone else. This can lead to you giving up on your dreams or refusing to try new things because you know you won’t be successful at them.

Schema 3: Insufficient self-control
It is impossible to rely on your ability to do the things that you need. Waiting for the desired outcome is frustrating. This schema allows you to avoid certain responsibilities and duties that you don’t like, even if you are missing out on an opportunity that could help you.

You can build up a negative cycle over the years that leads to a negative view of yourself. This can lead to poor coping strategies such as procrastinating or avoiding certain tasks altogether. This can lead to negative emotions such as depression, anxiety and guilt.

These coping strategies and negative emotions are a confirmation of your core belief that you are defective and incapable of self-control.

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What can you do?
You must change your core beliefs about yourself. Those beliefs can perpetuate dysfunctional behaviors like procrastination and avoidance, which in turn creates more problems. Schema Therapy is a great way to do this.

The second goal is to modify your core beliefs and schema in order to improve your coping skills. Positive feedback from others and yourself is more beneficial. Your experiences and how you react to external input are what make up your schema. Consistent positive feedback is a great way to improve your schema.

Keep checking back for more information about how to change dysfunctional behavior that perpetuates negative core beliefs.

You want to learn more about mental health, self-improvement and other topics? On this channel I discuss topics such as bipolar disorder, major depression, anxiety disorders, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), relationships and personal development/self-improvement. I upload weekly. Click here to subscribe if you don’t wish to miss a video.

Disclaimer: The information contained on this channel is intended for education purposes only and does not constitute specific/personal medical advice. The videos and the answers to questions/comments do not create a doctor-patient relationship. These videos may be helpful for you if you are a patient of your own doctor.

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