Affirmations for kids with ADHD
Friendly reminder: Affirmations can help build resilience and positive self-esteem. 💪❤️ #ADHDAffirmations #adhd #BeUnderstood #LearnTok #bullying Follow us onTiktok: AInstagram: QFacebook: WPinterest: eFacebook en Español: wTwitter: xLinkedIn: b Understood is…
The SHOCKING Truth About ADHD Conversations
Overshare, much? Too much context? That’s the ADHD Language of love.
Not Doing What You Want? Here’s Why…
I used to struggle to get things done; things that I knew were important. But all too often they were never finished, or even started. They remained elusive ambitions, and…
How to celebrate the holidays with ADHD
Catch the full episode of “ADHD and” with more tips from Dr. Monica Johnson for celebrating the holidays with ADHD by clicking the link on the video. Questions about learning…